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Wed, Sep 25 2019 8:46 AM
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Award of Shaida Copper Mineral Occurrence Exploration License

H.E Nargis Nehan, acting minister of Mines and Petroleum and H.E Dr. Mohammad Humayon Qayoumi senior advisor to the president in infrastructure matters and acting Minister of Finance. . .

Sat, Aug 03 2019 12:58 PM
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The new heads of the Ministry of mines and  petroleum have been introduced

The head of the Internal Audit Department and the head of the Kabul Mines Department have been introduced to the employees of the Ministry by the technical DM Mr. Enayatullah Mohmand. . .

Sat, Jul 20 2019 8:40 AM
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The work progress of BAYAT POWER PLANT; in production of electrical energy from natural gas

The production machinery of producing electrical energy from Shebirghan’s natural gas, with (42) megawatt electricity production capacity; is a private sector investment project which. . .

Wed, Jul 03 2019 11:26 AM
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H.E Narges Nahan, met with Mr. Ainudin Bahadori the head of Access to Information Commission

H.E Narges Nahan, the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum Ministry, met with Mr. Ainudin Bahadori the head of Access to Information Commission yesterday 2th, July 2019 at her office.. . .

Wed, Jun 26 2019 12:46 PM
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Conference on state fragility and natural resources for resilience and development

The conference on " state fragility and natural resources for resilience and development” held on 25 June 2019  on behalf of the G7+ group with the participation of policy and programs. . .

Sat, Jun 15 2019 3:38 PM
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The Third Donor Coordination Meeting was held

The Third Donor Coordination Meeting was conducted to give an update of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum’s achievements including; update of the Mining Protection Committee’s work on. . .

Sun, Jun 09 2019 12:42 PM
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MoMP gave the authority of the Cement-e-Ghori Factories administration to NOSU of the President

Ministry of Mining and Petroleum gave the authority of the Cement-e-Ghori Factories administration to the National Operations and Support Unit of the Office of the President of the. . .

Wed, May 29 2019 11:06 AM
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MoMP attends the 10th Turkmenistan Gas Congress (TGC 2019)

May 21-22, 2019

The 10th annual Turkmenistan Gas Congress (TGC) was held in Avaza, Turkmenistan. TGC is a leading platform for discussing issues that exist in the gas industry in the. . .
