Notification of Intention to Award

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Notification of Intention to Award
Issue date: 23.5.2020
Closing date: 6.6.2020
Assignment Name: “Engineering Consultancy services for gas field facilities and gas pipeline in Afghanistan, with Phase 1 tasks includes Pre-construction surveys, developing detailed pipeline design and engineering plan, preparation environmental and social documentation, optimization of field facilities; and Phase 2 includes Project planning, management, supervision, quality assurance, technical support and training during construction”
Contract Reference No: AF-MOMP-147189-CS-QCBS (NPA/MoMP/99/CS-2806/QCBS)
Grant No: D5210-AF
Name of the Client: Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MOMP)
Method of selection: Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
Contract Awarded recommendation: ILF CONSULTING ENGINEERS
Address: United Arab Emirates.
The final Combined Scores: 81.709
Contract negotiated Price (in evaluation currency): USD 5,087,331.66 (Five million eighty-seven thousand three hundred thirty-one Point Sixty-six USD) including all taxes.
List of shortlisted consultants:
2) ILF CONSULTING ENGINEERS with Dynamic Vision as Sub-consultant
3) JSC MAXSUSENERGOGAZ/MAXSUS with Hawk Vision as sub-consultant
Lisl of consultant who submitted proposal:
1) ILF CONSULTING ENGINEERS with Dynamic Vision as Sub-consultant
2) JSC MAXSUSENERGOGAZ/MAXSUS with Hawk Vision as sub-consultant
List of non-responsive Consultant:
1) JSC MAXSUSENERGOGAZ/MAXSUS with Hawk Vision as sub-consultant
Reason for rejection (non-responsive) of Proposal:
1) JSC MAXSUSENERGOGAZ/MAXSUS with Hawk Vision as sub-consultant
The consultant has been considered as Non Responsive due to: the consultant obtained 67.13 technical scores but the minimum qualification score was 70.
This is to notify that, Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MOMP) intend to award the contract for “Engineering Consultancy services for gas field facilities and gas pipeline in Afghanistan, with Phase 1 tasks includes Pre-construction surveys, developing detailed pipeline design and engineering plan, preparation environmental and social documentation, optimization of field facilities; and Phase 2 includes Project planning, management, supervision, quality assurance, technical support and training during construction” Ref No. AF-MOMP-147189-CS-QCBS (NPA/MoMP/99/CS-2806/QCBS) at a total amount of USD 5,087,331.66 (Five million eighty-seven thousand three hundred thirty-one Point Sixty-six USD) including all taxes..
The ground for complaints is open, starting from date of announcement of this intention for award and will close within 10 business days, an unsuccessful Consultant has three (3) Business Days to make a written request to the Client for a debriefing.. Protest shall not be accepted beyond the deadline. Protest must be addressed in writing to Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP), Shaheed Abdulhaq Squar, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Attention: Mohammad Nasim Karimy
Title/position: Senior Procurement Specialist
Agency: Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP)
Email address:, copy to
This notice doesn’t constitute a contract, until deadline completion stipulated herein and completion of further processes.