Directorate of Procurement
Procurement Directorate is one of the Key Directorate of MoMP, which was established in 2011 within the organizational chart of MoMP.
Procurement Directorate has the responsibility to process all and manage procurement needs (Goods, Works, Consulting & Non- consulting services) according to approved annual procurement plan, this directorates procure/process all works, goods, consulting & non- consulting services related to different departments of MOMP and SOEs as per procurement law & regulation of Afghanistan by observing transparency, Integrity & accountability with cooperation of NPA.
Procurement directorate process its activities with full independency & according to its Terms of references, mean while this directorate build the capacity of their employees by conducting internal trainings and also with cooperation of independent administrative reform & civil service commission
procurement directorate has four Departments with one legal advisor as follow.
Procurement directorate processed & contracted (GWC&NCS) project by value (1426275048) AFN at the last fiscal year 1397, and also planned 85 different projects by value (542262256) AFN at the recent year 1398.