Afghanistan’s copper reserves and mineral resources
Afghanistan’s copper reserves and mineral resources have been genetically expanded among different types of rocks in different tectonic zones and the results of geological and geophysical investigations in the territory of Afghanistan that were conducted by domestic and foreign geologists have shown indications of copper mineral existence in four zones:
1- Balkhab Copper Area at the base of the North Platform
2- Kaftarghar and Sorkh-Shela Copper Area at the south middle mass
3- The copper-tectonic area containing a large reservoir of Aynak-Copper, Darband and Jawhar copper appearance and (94) other copper mineral appearance in the center
4- Shaida Copper Area Zone, Shendand, Kashmeran, Dosaz and Namak-Sar, Kandelan in Zabul province, and Ahan-Kashan and Siko in the Qale-e-Naw block of the west zone.