Request for Expressions of Interest Hydrocarbons Exploration & Production Sharing Tenders of the Kushka Zone-1,2 & Tirpul of the Kushka Tirpul Basin

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Closing Date
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, through the Ministry of Mines & Petroleum (the “Ministry”), is seeking Expressions of Interest to participate in an open, transparent and competitive tenders of each bidding area for the right to explore for, develop, and produce hydrocarbons in the Kushka Zone-1,2 & Tirpul of the Kushka Tirpul Basin of north west Afghanistan (the “Tender”). The Tenders will be conducted in accordance with the Hydrocarbon Law of Afghanistan (the “Law”) and is expected to result in the award of an Exploration and Production Sharing Contracts (“EPSC”) by the Second quarter of 2024, with the preferred bidder to be announced in March 31, 2024.
Companies and consortia that are interested in participating in the Tenders (each, an “Applicant”) must submit separately for each bidding area to the Ministry an Expression of Interest letter, an executed Power of Attorney in the form attached as Annex C, and information concerning the Applicant’s legal, financial and technical qualifications to conduct hydrocarbons operations in the Kushka Tirpul Basin. Section 3 (Information Required for Qualification) describes the specific legal, technical and financial information requested.
Upon receipt of Expressions of Interest, the Ministry will assess and qualify Applicants for participation in the Tender. To be considered for participation in the Tender, Applicants should submit an Expression of Interest no later than December 16, 2023 at 1200 hrs Kabul time.
All documentation must be submitted in English. Expressions of Interest can be accompanied by an Executive Summary of maximum five pages in one of the official languages (Pushto or Dari) of Afghanistan, at the discretion of the interested company. Expressions of Interest may be submitted in hard copy but must be submitted electronically to, Applicants are advised to check the Tender website regularly at
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